Tuesday, January 23, 2007

irrational fears

in between breaths
my heart is stopping
emptying of life
with fate just gawking
not forgetting choice,
i'm leaving nothing
shocking as it is for you...
a weak vein showing
how fragile a collapse
could be, while knowing
that taste is a challenge
fertile in blossom.
it will undergo fatigue
without being locked in.
a frighteningly awkward pause
amidst tight-lipped talking
proves vague insight
to conditions still mocking.


Saturday, January 20, 2007


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She fell with grace, not from it.
She looked back with a glare but forward with a glint.
Beauty might be the first thing they see,
but gold is what they will carry ever after.

Words by Lisa

Thursday, January 18, 2007


And then it struck again
it wasn’t lightening
but it was close

And with that slight
a light bulb blew

But before I could
take a breath
and start a word

It left me again
with only a
vivid aftershock.

Words by Lisa

I'll Make My Way

My head might not be on straight today
but tonight I will be alright
mostly disorganized as usual,
though not completely fallen apart
I’ll hear that melodic medicine
and inhale the magic too,
and maybe for a few hours
it won’t wont hurt me so much to move
it’s easier to be free tonight
with the lights down and
my mind wide open for awhile
when the pressure is on
that one on the stage
not on how I make my way
they say that love is ultimate
but I can’t see how anything
can be better than this moment
on this day.

Words by Lisa

Thursday, January 11, 2007

not.worth it.

suddenly before me stood
instances worth saving
they spoke in broken fragments
reflected by angled light, and they're fading
but today's been particularly smooth sailing
for a ship without a sail
i got to work on time again
not intimidated enough to fail


Sunday, January 07, 2007

Their Songs Fill the Halls

Iron bends in arcs
crossing firmly overhead
another sun rises to set
another feather shed
She considers their wings
As envy burns through
if she had those wings
she'd fly away too
Collected in her rooms
no frames needed on the walls
they alone are enough
Their songs fill the halls
But their songs are lies
to her unknowing ears
if she felt what she heard
she wouldn't waste their years

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

When We All Forgot

So those plans we had
well they didnt work out
that was a dream that
all but fell through
but hey it's those dreams,
those torn at the seams
that make me who I am
and turn you into you

And it's you who said it
who started the ball
not rolling, but tumbling
down the rocky old hill
that hill full of dreams
the ones torn at the seams
that ends with its wall
built by broken will

And right now I can't think
of what made me agree
what made me say yes
to the adventurous plot
for I knew it was a dream
to be torn by its seam
and I knew it was my heart
to break when we all forgot.

Words by Lisa